Enjoy TIC Theatre from your own home


  • Bring Theatre in the Country right into your home
  • Shows performed with the Zoom platform (we can help you set it up)
  • Enjoy classic theatre pieces
  • Every show has an opportunity for cast and director talkback
  • Pay what you can pricing from $10/person


May 28 & 29, 2021 @ 7:30PM Live

Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare 

Shakespeare’s playful, flirtatious and most romantic comedy, ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, gets a whole new spin from Editor and Director Nicola Shannon. Shannon has cut the normally 2 hour and 45 minute play down to a quick paced, riotous 90 minutes that is sure to have you laughing, and falling in love all over again. 

TICKETS (Pay what you can from $10)


Hello! Thanks for taking time to read this.

We are still a community! When Erin and I started Theatre in the Country over eight years ago it was with a clear vision to be first and foremost a community organization that gave artists and patrons, with a passion for theatre, a place to really belong. It has been a wonderful experience thus far, and we have enjoyed the journey immensely. We are blessed to know so many wonderful people; whether you are on stage, back stage, in the shop, at the sewing machine, in the tech booth, taking tickets, holding a paint brush or an audience member we consider each one of you a part of the TIC Clan, and we want to see you again!

To that end we are creating a series of shows we call TIC’s Online Theatre Experience. It is a place where on Friday and Saturday nights you can sit down at your Smart TV, phone, tablet or computer and watch the TIC performers you know and love put on a play for you through the power of ZOOM. Plus! You can interact with them afterwards, in a way that you often don’t get to do, even when you see them perform in person.

We are selecting some great old plays that are in the public domain to get started, and we are contacting our usual script licensing providers to see what the new rules are, so that we can bring you an ongoing variety of shows as we all hunker down at home. There is no reason not to hunker together – at a distance! All the information and the “How To’s” are listed below. Please come join us. We miss you. It’s going to be fun I promise.

Our bodies may be distant, but our spirits need not be so.                                                   

Peace & Health, Reg & Erin Parks


Reg Parks
Artistic Director
Theatre in the Country


(Suggested price is $15/person)

 – MAXIMUM of 400 viewing points at our online theatre per evening –

4 EASY STEPS to booking your Zoom TICKETS for our Online Theatre Experience





Scroll through our growing list of on-line shows on this page, and decide which ones you want to be a part of. Hit the TICKET Button!

Select the show you want to see, and how many people you are going to watch it with. FUN FEATURE: You can buy tickets for a friend or family member and send them the ticket, so you can wantch the show together online!

PLEASE: Try to book by person, so can know exactly how many people watched each night. You can split your price between your viewers on one view point.

PICK YOUR OWN PRICE!  This is the best part. We offer prices from $10 to $50. We know times are tough for many, and we do not want you to miss out, so please pay what you are able to. At TIC we are feeling the financial pinch as well, so if you are able to pay our suggested rate of $15 a person or more we would be forever grateful.

Note: Each person selected will require a price: Please divide your total over the selected number of ‘seats”.  Thank You

Pay for tickets and your will recieve an email confirming the purchase.  2 hours before the show, after online sales are closed, you will recieve a link to the ZOOM meeting where you can watch the show. There is more on Zoom below if you are not familar with it.  ENJOY THE SHOW!

Three ways to purchase your tickets for your TIC online theatre experience:

It’s the same as for our in person shows except that you will be asked to choose a ticket price during the ordering process. It is billed to credit card just the same as always.

You can leave a message at our box office by phone or email: 604-259-9737 or boxoffice@theatreinthecountry.com, and get a call back. You will be asked which show you are booking, how many people are viewing with you, and how much you want your ticket donation to be. Tickets will be charged to your credit card.

If you can’t purchase with credit card then please call the box office to make ticket arrangements (604-259-9737). You will be then asked to EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) funds to us at office@theatreinthecountry.com. In your EFT please be sure to include your show and ticket numbers. If none of that works, we will accept a mailed cheque as a final resort.







USING ZOOM for TIC Online Shows

At Ticket Purchase

1.5 Hours Before Show

The Night Of The Show

Chat Feature

Video on or off

An easy guide on how to watch a show

You will get an immediate email confirming your show choice, your purchase price and the time of your event.

An email will arrive with a link to the show on Zoom.

Click on the link in the email and follow the instructions. The Zoom waiting room will open, and everyone ‘Admitted’ at 7:00, the show begins at 7:30. Come between 7:00 and 7:30 to see and chat with other guests and our TIC team members. Enjoy the show.

During shows you can use the type-in Chat Feature on Zoom to communicate with our Front of House person, or to leave a question to be answered later in the talk back.

Your camera and mic will be on before the show so you can ‘mingle’ with other guests and our TIC Team Members. They will go back on again after the show for the talk back.